School Overview
Christ Second Baptist Church is a child care facility located in Long Beach, CA
According to the California Department of Social Services, the license number for Christ Second Baptist Church is 198007960 and it was effective starting on 37778.
Contact Christ Second Baptist Church at (562) 599-3421 for additional information about enrollment, pricing, or hours
Christ Second Baptist Church is designated as a School Age Day Care Center.
The maximum capacity of Christ Second Baptist Church is 48 students.
Christ Second Baptist Church is monitored by regional office 33.
Christ Second Baptist (CSBC) is the oldest African-American church in Long Beach, California
Christ Second Baptist (CSBC) is the oldest African-American church in Long Beach, California. Its history represents over 105 years of ministering and practical application of God’s word. CSBC is very active in the Long Beach Community through its various ministries; helping those in need while ministering the word of God. ORIGIN • Organized in 1907 • 18 pastors from 1907 to 2009 • Rev. Welton Pleasant II assumed the pastorate of Christ Second Baptist Church in December 2009 • Historically, we are the oldest African-American Church in the City of Long Beach • Membership – 400+ MISSION STATEMENT Christ Second Baptist Church is a church where the Savior is exalted, the scriptures are explained, the saints are empowered, and souls are emancipated. (Psalms 150; II Timothy 3:15; Ephesians 4:12; Matthew 28:18-20) PURPOSE STATEMENT The purpose of Christ Second Baptist Church is to empower individuals through the gospel of Jesus Christ to realize the abundant life Jesus promised in Scripture. (John 10:10) VISION STATEMENT At Christ Second Baptist Church, we envision a liberating ministry that is a safe place for people to become who they were meant to be in Jesus Christ. At the heart of our ministry we envision a Worship center, a Word center, and a Wellness center that reflects the glory of God and our service to humanity. WIN STATEMENT Christ Second Baptist Church wins when every member is being like Jesus, doing like Jesus, and thinking like Jesus. (Romans 8:29; Galatians 4:19)
Christ Second Baptist Church is a church where the Savior is exalted, the scriptures are explained, the saints are empowered, and souls are emancipated. (Psalms 150; II Timothy 3:15; Ephesians 4:12; Matthew 28:18-20)
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