School Overview
J.X. Wilson Extended Child Care is a child care facility located in Santa Rosa, CA
According to the California Department of Social Services, the license number for J.X. Wilson Extended Child Care is 490107083 and it was effective starting on 40093.
Contact J.X. Wilson Extended Child Care at (707) 545-2402 for additional information about enrollment, pricing, or hours
J.X. Wilson Extended Child Care is designated as a School Age Day Care Center.
The maximum capacity of J.X. Wilson Extended Child Care is 96 students.
J.X. Wilson Extended Child Care is monitored by regional office 1.
Extended Child Care is a community-based non profit agency serving children K-6 before and after school.
Extended Child Care offers school site child care for grades K-6, before/after school care & full day Summer Camp programs. This institution is an equal opportunity provider
Extended Child Care is committed to assisting each school-age child in obtaining life skills by providing quality year round learning programs, while supporting families and school districts.
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