School Overview
King'S Academy, The is a child care facility located in Lancaster, CA
According to the California Department of Social Services, the license number for King'S Academy, The is 197418586 and it was effective starting on .
Contact King'S Academy, The at (661) 886-6127 for additional information about enrollment, pricing, or hours
King'S Academy, The is designated as a School Age Day Care Center.
The maximum capacity of King'S Academy, The is 30 students.
King'S Academy, The is monitored by regional office 30.
VBS, Visual/Performing Arts, and Enrichment Classes
The King's Academy is a low cost enrichment program for the youth of the Antelope Valley. We offer enrichment classes in Cooking, Sewing, Art, Choir, Physical Education, Team Building Games, and Cheerleading. Our main goal is to teach scholars how to empower their lives and the lives of others through the Word of God. Scholars participate in engaging activities designed to teach them how to overcome negative situations by using the Word of God as their source.
Our mission is to help the youth develop a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind through the Word of God.
Summer Enrichment Classes, VBS Excursions, and Field Trips
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