School Overview
Learning Springs Academy Llc is a child care facility located in San Jose, CA
According to the California Department of Social Services, the license number for Learning Springs Academy Llc is 434411617 and it was effective starting on 40337.
Contact Learning Springs Academy Llc at (408) 216-8867 for additional information about enrollment, pricing, or hours
Learning Springs Academy Llc is designated as a School Age Day Care Center.
The maximum capacity of Learning Springs Academy Llc is 30 students.
Learning Springs Academy Llc is monitored by regional office 7.
Discovery, exploration, active learning and curiosity are foundation stones that we use to help children learn both academically and socially.
As a parent, one of your biggest challenges is to select the best possible preschool for your child. At Learning Springs, we understand this and strive to provide a safe, therapeutic, nurturing and stimulating environment in which every child can thrive while receiving individual attention from caring and experienced staff. These are the pillars upon which Learning Springs is built to ensure success and confidence for you and your child.
Every moment is a learning moment.
2012 Better Child Development Organization Award. Commitment to Excellence Award 2010 Special Education Recognition Award SELPA IV
Preschool Kindergarten/1 grade After school school age program Transportation
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