School Overview
Y Childcare - Gehringer is a child care facility located in Oakley, CA
According to the California Department of Social Services, the license number for Y Childcare - Gehringer is 70209186 and it was effective starting on .
Contact Y Childcare - Gehringer at (925) 625-3032 for additional information about enrollment, pricing, or hours
Y Childcare - Gehringer is designated as a School Age Day Care Center.
The maximum capacity of Y Childcare - Gehringer is 60 students.
Y Childcare - Gehringer is monitored by regional office 2.
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875 W Cypress Rd
Oakley, California
1.04 miles away from Y Childcare - Gehringer

501 Norcross Ln
Oakley, California
1.52 miles away from Y Childcare - Gehringer